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Food & Agribusiness

We cultivate success for the food and agribusiness sector through specialized insurance and risk management solutions.

The Cottingham & Butler Food & Agribusiness Practice sets the standard as a premier insurance consultant, uniquely equipped to understand the intricacies and challenges of the food & agribusiness industry. With a team of experts deeply rooted in the field, we deliver personalized risk management strategies, protection for your most valuable assets, and an unrivaled service experience.

Your Trusted Source for Comprehensive Insurance Solutions in the Food & Agribusiness Industry.

Food & Agribusiness Coverages
  • Property

  • Alternative risk

  • Crop

  • Environmental risk

  • Excess Liability

  • International risk and exposures

  • Ocean and domestic cargo

  • Product contamination coverage

  • Product recall coverage

  • Workers’ Compensation

Food & Agribusiness Services
  • Claims advocacy and management

  • Contract review and insurance policy compliance

  • Disaster management and loss prevention services

  • Experience modification review and analysis

  • Premium allocations and budget preparations

  • Competitive bidding of insurance programs

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Food Safety Expertise for Growth

Did you know foodborne illness costs the US food industry an estimated $15.5 billion annually? Cottingham & Butler, alongside The Acheson Group (TAG), empowers food & agribusiness companies to cultivate a culture of safety and minimize risk.

Our expertise can help you:

  • Reduce recall & contamination risks 

  • Optimize operations and boost profitability

  • Navigate complex food safety regulations


Specialized Food & Agribusiness Niches

Featured Expertise

Gloved worker with a tablet stands beside a conveyor belt of bottled liquids.
Food Safety Made Smarter 

1 in 6 Americans get sick from contaminated food annually! Ensuring food safety is a top priority for any food & agribusiness company. After all, it's about protecting consumers and the integrity of your brand. But here's the surprising truth: many companies, confident in their existing procedures, miss hidden risks that could lead to costly recalls or outbreaks.


Our FREE 3-part diagnostic tool helps you proactively identify these hidden strengths and potential areas for improvement in your food safety practices.

Logo for Acres Insurance Limited overlayed onto images of farmland.
Navigate Risk with Confidence - Explore Captive Insurance Solutions

The food and agribusiness industry is the backbone of our nation's food supply, but it also faces a complex web of risks. From unpredictable weather patterns and volatile commodity prices to ever-evolving regulations and food safety concerns, traditional insurance might not always provide the tailored protection you need.

Captive insurance offers a revolutionary approach to risk management. Imagine a self-funded program co-owned by a group of food and agribusiness companies like yours.

With roots dating back to the late 1800s, our Food & Agribusiness Practice proudly stands as the longest-established niche focus at our firm.

From its inception, Cottingham & Butler was founded with a deep commitment to serving the needs of our food & agribusiness community, forging a legacy of expertise and dedication in the industry.

Watch our client success video and hear directly from our food and agriculture clients

Preview of Cottingham & Butler's Food & Agribusiness brochure.
Explore our expertise, risk solutions, and track record of exceptional results for clients.

Food & Agribusiness Insight & Impact

Connect with a Food & Agribusiness Expert!

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